CHP Sees Boom in NYC

Gita Subramony, ERS, for Zondits Combined heat and power (CHP), or cogeneration, is experiencing a renaissance in the New York City region. Thanks in part to the efforts of NYSERDA and their innovative CHP incentive program, more facilities are planning CHP projects to help provide energy cost savings and reliable back-up power to thousands of … Read more

Survey Reveals Corporate Energy Investments Are on a Upswing

2016 Johnson Controls Energy Efficiency Indicator survey reveals planned investment at all-time high: 72 percent of respondents to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy investments PR Newswire, June 23, 2016 The 2016 Johnson Controls Energy Efficiency Indicator (EEI) survey of more than 1,200 facility and energy management executives in the United States, Brazil, China, Germany and India shows interest and investment in … Read more

The Internet of Things as it Applies to EDGE M&V

Divyanshu Kamboj, ERS, for Zondits The introduction of Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities in the energy efficiency sector is making a very compelling case to reinvent the current practices of evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) of energy efficiency programs. The traditional “snapshot” oriented approach comparing before and after energy usage scenarios is no longer sufficient … Read more

Perfectly Fit with CHP

Clean Energy for a Healthy Lifestyle Tecogen, July 7, 2016 The Greenknoll Branch of the Regional YMCA in Western Connecticut provides its clientele with state-of-the-art fitness options that include basketball courts, cardiovascular rooms, indoor and outdoor pools, and strength training rooms. The building is also outfitted with a CM-75 combined heat and power (CHP) system … Read more

Magnetic Refrigeration for Commercial Applications

Magnetic fridge eliminates gases, drastically reduces energy use Gizmag, June 15, 2016 The days of the rackety, energy-gobbling refrigerator may be numbered with the advent of more efficient systems that cool with the use of magnets. The idea has been around almost as long as your standard gas-compression fridge, but it hasn’t yet been viable … Read more

Consumers Prefer Energy Star-Certified Homes

New Home Buyers Will Choose Energy-Efficiency Over Luxury Features Builder, June 13, 2016 The recently released annual Energy Pulse study from Shelton Group suggests that consumers in the market for a new home prioritize energy-efficient features over luxury items. Eighty-five percent said they’d pay more for an Energy Star-certified home, and their preferences for individual … Read more

Better Buildings through CHP

Gita Subramony, ERS, for Zondits The national market for combined heat and power (CHP) projects is growing. Traditionally, the technology was most frequently implemented in large and energy-intensive industrial facilities. However, certain regions of the country are realizing that smaller CHP systems can benefit a wide range of facilities and provide not only energy cost … Read more

Q-Sync Motors Benefit Consumers and Utilities

Bryan Kilgore, ERS, for Zondits QM Power’s advanced new Q-Sync motor provides improved efficiency versus shaded-pole and electronically commutated (EC) motors. Not only do Q-Sync motors benefit businesses through energy and demand savings, but they also benefit the utilities at the source by reducing apparent power (total power delivered from the grid) through power factor … Read more

Investigating the Incremental Costs of Ten Emerging Technologies

Valerie Eacret, ERS, for Zondits ERS recently partnered with the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) to investigate the incremental costs of ten emerging technologies. The study includes full and incremental costs, as well as considerable, relevant technical information. Multiple research methods were used for each technology, including market actor interviews, web research, project invoice review, … Read more

First Solar Breaks Efficiency Record Using Cadmium Telluride Cells

cadmium telluride

Mathew Gard, ERS, for Zondits In March, Arizona-based solar panel manufacturer First Solar set a new efficiency record for cadmium telluride solar cells at 22.1%. What makes this such an achievement is that until recently silicon-based cells have been more efficient at converting light into electricity. But that’s not all. First Solar thinks that within … Read more