Distributed Energy Resources and Energy Storage: A View from New York

FERC Distributed Energy Resources DER

 Mark D’Antonio, ERS, for Zondits As the demands on the electric grid continually evolve and as there is greater consideration of temporal and locational capacity needs, distributed energy resources (DER) and energy storage (ES) systems are increasingly being considered for a multitude of applications on either side of the meter. Capacity deferral, generation mix, demand … Read more

Hospitals Stand to Gain the Most from the Internet of Things


Sensors, plants and waste heat: Adelaide hospital’s bid to be most energy-efficient When it comes to the power consumption of hospitals, the diagnosis isn’t pretty: they rate as the second most energy-intensive of all commercial buildings, behind only food service providers. As the places where our babies are delivered, our sick are treated and our … Read more

SMUD Launches Natural Refrigerant Incentive Pilot

Game Changer: SMUD’S natref incentives for reducing GHG emissions Ammonia 21, June 1, 2017 One of the key impediments to the uptake of almost any new technology is its higher initial cost compared to the technology it is replacing. And that has certainly been true of natural refrigerant systems. Apart from the rising sales of natural … Read more

The New Climate Deal Between the Mayors of Pittsburgh and Paris

mayors of Pittsburgh and Paris

The Mayors of Pittsburgh and Paris: We Have Our Own Climate Deal Last week, President Donald Trump tried to pit our two cities against each other when he announced, in pulling out of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.” As the mayors of Pittsburgh … Read more

Trends and Observations of Energy Use in the Cannabis Industry

cannabis industry impact on grid

Jesse Remillard and Nick Collins, ERS, for Zondits During the fall 2016 elections, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, and California legalized recreational cannabis, and three other states legalized it for medical use. This brought the total number of states allowing the sale and use of recreational marijuana to 8, with another 28 allowing it for medicinal use. … Read more

The Role of Energy Storage in the Rise in Renewables

battery-systems energy storage

How Batteries Could Revolutionize Renewable Energy Time, May 1, 2017 All over California, there’s evidence of the state’s goal to lead the country in renewable energy. Enormous farms of shiny solar panels have popped up across southern California, and gigantic wind turbines dot the landscape outside nearly all the major cities. There are less flashy—and … Read more

Energy Consumption Data and the Grid of the Future

energy consumption data

Utilities Should Sell Customer Electricity Data Lexington Institute, April 25, 2017 Digital technology is deployed on the electric grid to make it “smarter,” allowing two-way communication and the transferring of data. This enables customers to manage electricity costs and make the grid more reliable. Since new data is collected from sensors on the grid, sharing … Read more

The Influence of Lighting Design On Plant Growth

horticultural LED

Understand energy efficiency of LED horticultural lighting systems LEDs Magazine, April 19, 2017 There are multiple considerations that a business faces when evaluating light sources to use for horticultural lighting, including but not limited to: light intensity, spectrum, uniformity of light distribution, energy efficiency, and fixture lifespan. Horticultural lighting systems convert electrical energy into light … Read more

A Zondits Interview: VividGro LED Grow Lighting

Lighting Science VividGro

Chuck Porter, Jesse Remillard, and Nick Collins, ERS, for Zondits Zondits recently sat down with Pete Rumsey, Executive Vice President of Sales and Business Development of Lighting Science/VividGro to gain insights into the use of LED grow lighting specifically for the cannabis industry. VividGro, based in West Warwick, Rhode Island, is one of a few … Read more

Jerry Brown Steps Up and Signs Under2 MOU

Under2 MOU

Ryan Pollin, ERS, for Zondits California Governor Jerry Brown and Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon have signed a joint agreement of cooperation as the two administrations seek to fulfill the climate goals of the Under2 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The Under2 MOU is a collaboration of subnational governments calling to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions … Read more